
Yams, Grab Some Now!

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NZ Yams - Sethas Seeds NZ

Just a quick to note to let you all know our yams are ready for sale. Limited stock sorry to say. We find these heritage yams to be richer in flavour and sweetness from the ones available in supermarkets. Our favourite for flavour is Henry’s Yellow yam, but our three colours together are a lovely mix of earthy sweetness!  

Spring has well and truly arrived. It feels like everything is moving quickly this season, so do not delay getting crops underway. I am busy pricking out our first seed sowing at the moment. If you have not started yet, fear not, still plenty of time to get seed sowing for tones of things! See below for our recommendations on what to sow now.

The best all round day for seed sowing in September, is the 22nd. Moon opposition Saturn is the best constellation configuration for strong form and structure for your plants. We have been using it for years now as our main seed sowing day each month. We have the times listed on our website for the whole year, so you can find out the best day each month to sow seeds. As with any celestial moment, the exact time is too intense energetically, so we sow seeds in the energies leading up to the moment.