Sowing seeds at certain times of the month can add an extra boost to your seeds. The cosmos does play a part in the energy we impart on the seed the moment it touches the soil and water is added. We have, over the years, followed seed sowing with the full moon and with the new moon. There is certainly a lot of oompah at these times! Sometimes too much so, especially at the full moon. A few years back, a biodynamic grower friend of ours, Andrew Seager, told me he always sowed seeds on the days of Moon Opposition Saturn. This is thought of, biodynamically, as the best all round seed sowing day. This moment in the cosmos represents strong form and structure. These are ideal characteristics to imprint into your seeds and plants. Please do not sow at the exact moment of Moon Opp Saturn or the Full or New moon. These moments are too potent. It is best to think of these energies as a wave. You can catch the energy leading up to or heading away from 12 hours either side with great results. Have a try and let us know what you think!
Astrologic information provided by Barbara Mare.
Moon Opposition Saturn
Date l Day l Time l Saturn – sign, degrees & minutes l Moon – sign, degrees & minutes
18 January Saturday 12.44pm Pisces 15° 59’ Virgo 15° 59’
15 February Saturday 2.54am Pisces 18° 57’ Virgo 18° 57’
14 March Friday 4.39pm Pisces 22° 18’ Virgo 22° 18’
11 April Friday 5.24am Pisces 25° 37’ Virgo 25° 37’
30 April Sunday 6.41pm Pisces 05° 20’ Virgo 05° 20’
8 May Thursday 5.11pm Pisces 28° 33’ Virgo 28° 33’
5 June Friday 4.05am Aries 00° 43’ Libra 00° 43’
2 July Wednesday 1.52pm Aries 01° 49’ Libra 01° 49’
29 July Tuesday 10.03pm Aries 01° 42’ r Libra 01° 42’
26 August Tuesday 5.55am Aries 00° 26’ r Libra 00° 26’
22 September Monday 7.42am Pisces 28° 28’ r Virgo 28° 28’
19 October Sunday 10.10am Pisces 26° 30’ r Virgo 26° 30’
28 October Monday 6.56am Pisces 13° 00’ r Virgo 13° 00’
15 November Saturday 1.29pm Pisces 25° 18’ r Virgo 25° 18’
12 December Friday 8.01pm Pisces 25° 20’ Virgo 25° 20’
9 January Friday 6.45pm Pisces 26° 39’ Virgo 26° 39’