❂ Upcoming Event: Wild Weed Foraging & Seed Farm Tour Nov 3rd Book Now ❂
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Well, what can I say! Spring folks…gets me every year. I have been thinking of all sorts of things I could share with you along the way, and really, I have not had the time to type on the computer!
Our new interns arrived in September and all the seeds are germinating and all the beds are being prepped and the frantic period of October is upon us! Where is everything going, how will it all fit in?! What have I done!? Yes, even I have these moments after all these years 😊 Alas, I trust all will get planted and all will be well come December!
So, while we tend the patch and keep busy, I had to pull myself away from the potting shed, to let you all know about our upcoming event! We have not opened our doors to the public for years! Between covid and Cyclone Gabrielle, things have not been conducive to farm tours and workshops. But our road has been mostly repaired and we have a gorgeous garden, the good beginnings of a food forest and our paddocks are holistically grazed by our Irish dexter cows. We have a bit to share about how we have been developing this land in cooperation with nature since our arrival here in 2016. We hope you can make it.
And the icing on the cakes is that Felicity Joy, from Homegrown Botanica, is coming up for the day! She will be with us as we parade around our garden and farm bringing her years of foraging experience and knowledge with her. We will learn what wild edible weeds we have growing underfoot, how they can benefit our health and wellbeing and discover ingenious ideas about how to enjoy them in our cooking.
And we are offering this event on a sliding scale as a way to help more people access this opportunity. Please pay the price that you feel you can afford to be here on the day, all price options are gratefully received.
Please get in touch if you have any questions, and we can’t wait to welcome you to our Seed Farm November 3rd!
For more information and to secure you spot, as space is limited, Book Now.